PRESIDENTIAL PERSPECTIVE On Deck: Event Plannin and PRP Revamping 60th I want to thank all of the mem- bers who took the time to travel to Orlando to attend the ALOA SPAI Anniversary Convention. We had a little more than 1,200 attendees at the show this year, and almost every exhibi- tor was very happy about the quantity of people on the show floor. I have received several letters and emails from exhibi- tors congratulating ALOA for such a fine convention. Now we’re starting to plan for next year’s events, and first up will be the SAVTA event. SAFETECH always brings the best safe experts and techni- cians in the industry together for a few days of networking and learning about new products. Immediately following will be the Security Leaders Business Conference, which is your opportu- nity to learn more about how to run and manage your business and/or your management skills. There, you’ll have an opportunity to sit down with the leading manufacturers and distribu- tors and talk with them one on one. It’s a great way to learn how to improve your business. In fact, in 2017 you can actually do a “twofer” in Albuquerque, NM, as SAFETECH ends on May 6th and the Security Leaders event starts , WWW.ALOA.ORG on the 6th in the same hotel. So you can attend SAFETECH and then stay for the business conference without making additional travel plans. As you may have heard, ALOA is to- tally revamping the PRP to bring it up to date and make it more viable for the new tests that will be coming out in 2017. Rumor has it that a lot of the new PRP tests will have some hands-on portions in them, so you not only can show how smart you are, but can also demonstrate that you actually have the skills to do the work. You should also start planning to at- tend the 2017 ALOA SPAI Convention July 16-22, in Rosemont (Chicago), IL. We’re planning a lot of new education- al classes, many of which will include “ALOA is totally revamping the PRP to bring it up to date and make it more viable.” hands-on portions to improve and sharp- en your skills. Last but not the least, we’ve been work- ing with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), and they’ve agreed to post articles about scammers. Please go to their web- site and pass this on to anyone interested in fighting scammers. Our revised arti- cle (www.consumer.ſ finding-locksmith) and a related blog post (www.consumer.ſ smith) were recently published. For more information on the FTC’s activities re- garding scammers, contact Bridget Small, Division of Consumer & Business Edu- cation, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, DC 20580; (202) 326-3266. Best regards, Tom Foxwell, RL, CAI, CFDI President ALOA Security Professionals Association, Inc. [email protected] OCTOBER 2016 KEYNOTES 5