PRESIDENTIAL PERSPECTIVE Plan for SAFETECH and ALOA 2020 plans to attend. Have you looked at the class lineup? There are many new courses this year that can help you, whatever your goals are. There are topics for experienced safe techs, those new to the trade and for those who are just thinking about enter- ing this segment of the industry. We’ll be at the Hyatt Regency Tulsa W Downtown April 27 to May 2. March 27 is the preregistration deadline, so you still have a few more weeks to get the best pricing. Some of the classes this year that could be good for those entering this line of work would be Preparing for Manipu- lation, Introduction to Safe Operated Key Locks and Basic Picking Techniques and Basic Safe Drilling and Defeat. Or come and take one of the many business classes that apply to all of us! If you haven’t seen the results of our pricing survey, safe and vault work can be a really lucrative ser- vice area to add to your business. Go to SAFETECH and get your feet wet. You won’t regret it! Pricing Survey Results Speaking of the pricing survey, thank you to all who participated. It’s helpful when we have a good number of respondents, WWW.ALOA.ORG e’re only about a month away from SAFETECH now, so hopefully you’ve made your and you came through for us. Take a look at the results in this issue, starting on page 32.While these results are interesting, I want to remind you that this article is for informational purposes only; please do not use them to set your future pricing. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. ALOA Convention & Security Expo Next up for big events is the ALOA Con- vention & Security Expo in Kansas City, MO, July 19-25. This is by far the best event in the industry, and we have such expe- rienced and knowledgeable instructors. We’ve received requests over the years to change up and add new classes, and the board and staff have listened. In this year’s lineup, you’ll see new and updated classes such as Hostile Event Preparation, E-Plex Wireless, SWIT Tech Electronic SFIC and Master Keying Concepts. If you haven’t al- ready, take a look at the brochure included in the February issue of Keynotes. We’ll have the full registration brochure ready for you in the April issue. I don’t know about you, but I’m ex- cited to be headed to Kansas City, the land of barbecue! There are a lot of fun things to do there for the whole family, from their world-class zoo to taking in some jazz music or visiting the World War I museum. I know many of you like to drive to conventions, and Kansas City is so centrally located for that. It makes for an easy drive. Also remember that there’s still time to apply for ALOA Scholarship Founda- tion (ASF) scholarships for the ALOA Convention! ASF just awarded scholar- ships to two deserving students for SAF- ETECH, and they are taking applications for ALOA 2020. For more information, visit I hope everyone has had a good start to their year, and I hope to see you all at the conventions soon! Respectfully, Jim Wiedman, CML President ALOA Security Professionals Association, Inc. [email protected] MARCH 2020 KEYNOTES 5