SPOTLIGHT INVESTIGATIVE I have been asked constantly, “How ALOA 2017 is offering several forensics classes to help you achieve your credentials for being an expert witness. Get Trained at ALOA 2017 Attend the ALOA Convention & Security Expo in Rosemont, IL, to work toward your credentials. I 14 can’t believe how busy I am this year. Now is the time I would like to clone myself just so I can keep up with all of the demands on my time. Some of this is my own doing because I volunteer for too much. Hell, if I’m not busy, I’m not happy — and being happy means I’m making money. So it looks like there is a means to all of this hard work! I hope that the rest of you are busy this year too. I am impressed with the turnout this year for education across the country! Ev- erywhere I’ve been, the classes are sold out with locksmiths thirsting for knowledge. From Canton, OH, Houston, TX, Nashville TN, and Secaucus to Sicklerville, NJ, and on to Omaha, NE, the classrooms are packed. That’s a great sign that locksmiths want to advance themselves through education. We live in such a high-tech world these days that we tend to get swamped working and forget to build in some train- ing time. There are two things we cannot get enough of, and those are training and reading instructions! KEYNOTES JUNE 2017 do I become an expert witness?” Great question, and here are your answers: One, join the IAIL division of ALOA SPAI. Two, start taking forensic classes. Three, sign up for and take your certi- fied forensic locksmith (CFL) exam. Four, complete your PRP and earn your CML, CAL, CFDI, CPS, CHI and CMST. As I’ve stated before, you cannot have enough credentials on your CV to show you are an expert. Having 60 years in this pro- fession is impressive, but not like having 60 years and many credentials to show that you tested. You need to start somewhere, and this year in Rosemont there will be a whole array of forensic courses being offered to help you work toward your goal. As always, if you have any comments or suggestions, please contact me at iail- [email protected]. Don’t miss an op- portunity to add another profit center to your portfolio. Tom Resciniti Demont, AHC, CAI, CFDI, CFL, CMIL, CML, CMST, IFDI, LSFDI, ARL, President, In- ternational Association of Investigative Locksmiths. Get Published! IAIL members: Submi t your ar t icles for the Invest igat ive Spotlight department. Send your informat ion to Ross Squire at [email protected]. WWW.ALOA.ORG