CONVENTIONS rst join ALOA first and foremost l conventions and exhibits. This opened rview of the Industry. It also allowed ps. The annual convention has always ding event! What I found most inter- l was when ALOA started the process rs. In my view, this was a tremendous o the industry is the introduction of nics. The mechanical side has evolved d will continue to do so. However, the ce and the level of knowledge needed nic side must not be underestimated. smiths today: Focus! Whichever seg- ou decide to be of interest, you must he people around you. Unlocking a mple Slim Jim affair it was 30 years ronic access control needs a special- ist. Continuous education is a must, and last but not least, you must charge your customers appropriately for services rendered. You need the funds for future education. Now the highlight of my association with ALOA is, of course, the opening of the Aaron M. Fish Security Train- ing Center. Aaron M. Fish Past Presidents A big thank you to all of our past presidents who have shared their expertise and leadership with ALOA and its members. Thomas R. Demont, CML, AHC, CMST, CFL Hans Mejlshede, CML Ken Kupferman, CML, CPS, CAL Robert E. Mock, RL William L. Young, CML, CPS Randy L. Simpson, CML, CPP John J. Greenan, CML, CPS Dallas C. Brooks, RL David M. Lowell, CAE, CML, CMST Breck H. Camp, CML Henry Printz, CML* Evelyn V. Wersonick, CML, CPS Leonard J. Passarello, CPL Joe Jackman, CML* 2011-2015 2009-2011 2007-2009 2005-2007 2003-2005 2001-2003 1999-2001 1997-1999 1995-1997 1993-1995 1991-1993 1989-1991 1987-1989 1985-1987 Stanley Haney, CPL* Louis LaGreco, CPL* John Kerr, RL* Clifford Cox, CML* Charles Hetherington* Gene Laughridge* William Dutcher, RL* Constant O. Maffey, RL Harold Edelstein, RL* William Meacham* Robert Rackliffe, CPL* Edwin Toepfer, RL* Ernest Johannesen* *Deceased 1983-1985 1981-1983 1979-1981 1977-1979 1974-1977 1972-1974 1970-1972 1968-1970 1966-1968 1964-1966 1962-1964 1960-1962 1956-1960