JUNE 2016 | VOLUME 62, ISSUE 6 ALOA SPAI STAFF Executive Director Mary May mary@aloa.org Comptroller Kathy Romo kathy@aloa.org Convention & Meetings Manager Kathryn Beard kathryn@aloa.org Meetings Assistant Courtney Smith Courtney@aloa.org EXECUTIVE BOARD President Tom Foxwell, RL, CFDI, CAI (410) 206-5772 president@aloa.org Secretary Clyde T. Roberson, CML, CMST (540) 380-1654 Director, Northeast William L. Mandlebaum, CML (419) 352-9119 nedirector@aloa.org Director, Southeast William Boughman, CPS, CRL, CFL,CFDI (239) 262-2000 sedirector@aloa.org PAST PRESIDENTS 2011-2015 Tom Resciniti Demont, AHC, CAI, CFDI, CFL, CIFDI, CMIL, CML, CMST, ARL 2009-2011 Hans Mejlshede, CML 2007-2009 Ken Kupferman, CML, CPS 2005-2007 Robert E. Mock, RL 2003-2005 William Young, CML, CPS 2001-2003 Randy Simpson, CML 1999-2001 John Greenan, CML, CPS 1997-1999 Dallas C. Brooks, RL 1995-1997 David Lowell, CML, CMST 1993-1995 Breck Camp, CML 1991-1993 Henry Printz, CML* 1989-1991 Evelyn Wersonick, CML, CPS 1987-1989 Leonard Passarello, CPL 1985-1987 Joe Jackman, CML* 1983-1985 Stanley Haney, CPL* 1981-1983 Louis LaGreco, CPL* 1979-1981 John Kerr, RL* 1977-1979 Clifford Cox, CML* 1974-1977 Charles Hetherington* 1972-1974 Gene Laughridge* 1970-1972 William Dutcher, RL* 1968-1970 Constant Maffey, RL 1966-1968 Harold Edelstein, RL* 1964-1966 William Meacham* 1962-1964 Robert Rackliffe, CPL* 1960-1962 Edwin Toepfer, RL* 1956-1960 Ernest Johannesen* *deceased Mission Statement: The mission of the ALOA Security Professionals Association, Inc., as dedicated members of the security industry, is to ensure professional excellence and ethics; create a public demand for professional locksmith services; represent and speak for the locksmith industry; and expand the exchange of trade information and knowledge with other security-related organizations to preserve and enhance the security industry. Policies and Disclaimer: Keynotes is the official publication of the ALOA Security Professionals Association, Inc. (ALOA SPAI). Keynotes does not guarantee the accuracy of any data, claim or opinion obtained or quoted from an acknowledged source. The opinions expressed by the authors do not necessarily reflect the official views of ALOA SPAI. Advertisements and new products or service information does not constitute an endorsement by ALOA SPAI, nor does the Association accept responsibility for the inaccuracy of any data, claim or opin- ion appearing in this publication due to typographical errors on the part of the authors, Association staff or its agents. ALOA SPAI reserves the right to refuse any article for any reason, and to edit submissions for accuracy, clarity and fairness. Keynotes (ISSN 0277 0792) is published monthly except for a combined July/August issue by ALOA Security Professionals Association, Inc., 3500 Easy St., Dallas, Texas 75247. Subscription rates are $25 per year for members. Periodical class postage paid at Dallas, Texas and additional offices. Director, North Central John W. Soderland Sr, CML, CMST (414) 327-5625 ncdirector@aloa.org Director, South Central John B. Arnold, CML scdirector@aloa.org Director, Southwest Charles Eastwood, CRL (602) 717-5397 swdirector@aloa.org Director, International Yoshio Suzuki, CRL intdirector@aloa.org Director, Associate Region Noel Flynn, RL (800) 532-2562 nflynn@aloa.org Director, ALOA Latino Division Humberto Villegas, RL +52-33-3121 7878 americaembajador@aloa.org Director, Non-Voting James W. Wiedman, CML (615) 773-6115 jwiedman@aloa.org Director, Non-Voting Robert R. Cullum, CPL (800) 225-1595 bcullum@aloa.org Trustees Hans Mejlshede, CML 011 45 35 393939 trustees@aloa.org Tom Resciniti Demont, AHC, CAI, CFDI, CFL, CIFDI, CMIL, CML, CMST, ARL (724) 969-2595 trustees@aloa.org Director, AIL Division John Truempy, CRL, CMIL, IFDI, AIL Director, IAIL Division Tom Resciniti Demont, AHC, CAI, CFDI, CFL, CIFDI, CMIL, CML, CMST, ARL (724) 969-2595 trustees@aloa.org KEYNOTES STAFF Publisher madison/miles media Editor Wendy Angel editor@aloa.org Editorial Assistant Ariel Bailey Ad Sales Adam Weiss madison/miles media (817) 908-7827 adsales@aloa.org Art Director Ben Carpenter benc@madisonmiles media.com Graphic Designer Whitney Holden Keynotes is published monthly. No part of this publication may be reprinted without permission. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Keynotes, 3500 Easy St., Dallas, Texas 75247-6416. Copyright 2016 ALOA SPAI. All rights reserved. Director, SAVTA Division Elliott P. Connor, CML topsecretsecurity@verizon.net (703) 203-8541 Additional contact information for the ALOA SPAI Board is available on the ALOA SPAI website at www.aloa.org or by contacting the ALOA office at 3500 Easy Street, Dallas, Texas 75247. Phone: (800) 532-2562 Fax: (214) 819-9736 E-mail: aloa@aloa.org Education Manager Jim Hancock, CML, CMST jim@aloa.org Assistant Education Manager Grey Woodyear, CPL, CPS woody@aloa.org Finance Assistant Colleen Vigil Membership Manager Kevin Wesley Membership Assistant Maria Martinez Receptionist Judy Risinger Mailroom Coordinator Carlos Blanco Legislative & Legal Counsel Barry Roberts barry@aloa.org Education/Certification Coordinator Jessica Brown Director of ALOA SPAI Chapters Robert Mock, RL (856) 863-0710 chapters@aloa.org Director of Investigations Larry Friberg EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD J. Casey Camper, CML, CPS Tom Resciniti Demont, AHC, CAI, CFDI, CFL, CIFDI, CMIL, CML, CMST, ARL Tom Foxwell Sr., CFDI, RL Tom Gillespie, CIL, CML Gene Gyure Jr., CRL, GSAI William M. Lynk, CML, CPS, ICML, M.Ed. Greg Parks, CRL Lloyd Seliber, CML Ed Woods, CML, CPS, CAL 4 KEYNOTES JUNE 2016 WWW.ALOA.ORG