Vernon Kelley trustee for ALOA institutional locksmit He has specialized in institutional loc smithing since 1995 and has more than 1 years of association management expe ence. Vernon is the co-author of the boo Institutional Lock Shop Management, a is much sought-aſter technical and copy editor by numerous industry authors. He has taught classes in life safety & building codes, impressioning and lock picking, and has received numerous awards for his efforts in the industry, including the ILA President’s Award, the ILD-DVC Robert C. Gress, Sr. Award and the esteemed Lee Rognon Award. In his down time, Vernon enjoys, gardening, fishing and playing the guitar. Tom Ripp, Chairman Members Advisory Committee Tom Ripp is an AIL advisory board chair and ILA ILCP co-chair. He has been employed in the key shop and card access department at the University of Wisconsin – Madison for more than 18 years. His work includes some of the most state-of-the-art and high- est security systems available today. He has been involved in the trade since high school, and aſter graduating started his own mo- bile locksmith business, Wauna-Key. He is a charter member of the Fox Valley chapter of ALOA, founded in 1992, and has been a member of ALOA from 1982-1985 and 1992 to present. He has served as north central WWW.ALOA.ORG Tom Ripp John Truempy, President John Truempy, ICML, CRL, CMIL, IFDI, is employed at the University of Pennsylvania, where he’s been a locksmith for more than 21 years. Prior to that he spent a few years as a commercial locksmith and worked for the State of New Jersey at Trenton State Psychi- atric Hospital. As the first president of t ALOA SPAI division’s ALOA Institutio Locksmiths (AIL), he has over 15 year association management experience. He h written many books focusing on both pr cal and esoteric applications for master key systems, including: Advanced Master Keying Skills and Master Key System Specification, Application & Management. He also teaches both fundamental and advanced locksmith subjects. John has received several national and regional locksmith awards, including; he ILA-DVC Robert C. Gress, Sr. Award, he ILA Presidents Award; and most re- cently, the prestigious Lee Rognon Award. ohn is also the owner of Lounging Lizard Publishing, and is co-owner of the industry website, In his spare time he enjoy spending time with his our daughters and collecting rubber ducks. Jack Walder, Director ack Walder, CRL, CJIL, CFDI, is the lock shop supervisor at North Carolina State University and previous president of the Institutional Locksmith Association. He has more than 37 years experience in the industry, with varied work experience in- cluding locksmith jobs at Duke University, Dugmore & Duncan, IDN Armstrong, and American Lock and Supply. He owned All- safe Lock and Key in Manhattan prior to moving to North Carolina, and even spent John Truempy Jack Walder