EXECUTIVE PERSPECTIVE Supporting ALOA in 201 A s we’ve said many times in the past, we’re only as strong as our membership. We’ve made signifi- cant recruitment efforts to bolster our mem- ber rolls, but continued growth is essential to ALOA SPAI’s future. The 2016 member- ship drive has begun, and you should soon be receiving information from ALOA if you haven’t already. As you prepare to sign on for another year as an ALOA member, take a moment to remind yourself of all the ben- efits you receive, from the most advanced education with sought-aſter instructors to discounts, industry leadership and the re- spected industry publication you’re reading right now — Keynotes. As you look over your renewal mate- rials, think about other security profes- sionals you know who would benefit from an ALOA membership. Invite them to a meeting, encourage them to learn more about us, and sponsor them for member- “As you prepare to sign on for another year as an ALOA member, take a moment to remind yourself of all the benefits you receive.” 6 KEYNOTES FEBRUARY 2016 ship in this great association. Not on you be helping shape ALOA’s futu we’re giving back to you as well: The who recruit the most new membe win one of a few great prizes such a screen TV, a full registration to th ALOA Convention & Security Expo third-place prize of $200 ALOA bu Everyone’s recruitment effor much appreciated, and new me will receive great additional ben their own: one free class at eith ALOA Convention & Security E the Aaron M. Fish Security Training C ter. They’ll also get a free photo ID. To those who renewed their mem- bership by the deadline, I extend my gratitude for your continued support of and dedication to ALOA. As a thank- you giſt, we conducted a drawing from the pool of those renewals, and 25 very lucky members are each receiving a free ALOA Education class. What a great way for you to celebrate your commit- ment to ALOA — and what a great value for you as well! Consider taking a class at the newly opened Aaron M. Fish Se- curity Training Center in Dallas. With all of the new equipment and advanced technology it holds, it’s sure to surpass your expectations for your educational experience. Convention Time While you’re busy recruiting all of those new ALOA SPAI members, don’t forget to start planning to attend the 2016 SAFETECH Convention in Lexington, Mary A. May Executive Director [email protected] WWW.ALOA.ORG Keynotes bundle. And, before you know it, the 60th An- nual ALOA Convention & Security Expo in Orlando will be here as well. Support your association by keeping July 31-Au- gust 7 on your calendars. See the modi- fied ALOA brochure bundled with this month’s Keynotes. As always, we’ll have an abundance of in-depth training, ac- cess to the hottest new products at the Security Expo and fun events celebrat- ing the convention’s 60th anniversary. Thank you to all our members for their continued support. Whether through re- cruiting new members, taking our classes or attending our conventions, your ac- tions help ALOA be who we are. Here’s to an exciting year!