PRESIDENTIAL PERSPECTIVE New Year, New Business Services learn how to grow your business with it. Access control and CCTV are new areas for us, and we must learn it to grow our shrinking business. The scammers have taken away most of Y the lockouts and are now trying to get into some commercial business. You need to stay ahead of them and protect your future with your commercial customers. To do this, you “Times are changing fast, and if we don’t embrace new technology and learn how to grow with it, we’ll be left behind.” es, it has wires attached to it. No, don’t run. No, don’t hide. Em- brace this new technology and need to make your customers aware that y offer more than just keys and rekeying o their facility. You are the expert in secur and need to let your customers know th you can take care of all their needs. How can you offer these new servi untrained? Well, you can’t, but you can tend the ALOA Convention and Security Expo or travel to the new Aaron M. Fish Security Training Center in Dallas and take classes on access control, CCTV and low-voltage electronics. Then you can offer more services to your customers. While you’re waiting for the convention to roll around, integrators are always look- ing for locksmith companies to cut in the electric strikes and mount the maglocks for them. Go out and call on these inte grators and let them know you’re available for that service. If you don’t know where to find them, go to the Security Distributor such as ADI, AlarmAx, Tri-Ed, etc. and tell them you offer that service; they’ll tel their customers you’re available. If you think this isn’t important for your business, look around at all of the new keyless cars and new home locks with button combinations. Even install- Help ALOA Fight the Scammers The ALOA Locksmith Task Force is now leading the battle against phony locksmiths. Join us in the fight by contributing to the fund to pursue legal action against the scammers. Every dollar counts. To make a contribution, send your check made out to “ALOA Legal Fund” to ALOA, 3500 Easy St., Dallas, TX 75247. ing residential video intercom systems is becoming a big business. Times are changing fast, and if we don’t embrace new technology and learn how to grow with it, we’ll be leſt behind. A special Valentine’s Day wish to all the women in locksmithing: Please be ALOA’s valentine and join this wonder- ful organization! Tom Foxwell, RL, CAI, CFDI President ALOA Security Professionals Association, Inc. [email protected] WWW.ALOA.ORG FEBRUARY 2016 KEYNOTES 5