THE MAIN EVENT SARGENT AND GREENLEAF® Open House Join SARGENT AND GREENLEAF ® for an Open House at their newly renovated facility! Dinner and transportation will be provided. • Tour the updated office space • Tour the largest vertically-integrated lock plant • Network with colleagues Friday, May 20, 2016 6:00pm Nicholasville, Kentucky Save the Date: 60th Annual ALOA Convention & Security Expo July 31-August 7, 2016 While you’re planning to attend SAFETECH, don’t forget to start thinking about ALOA 2016 in Orlan- do! Join us for a week of the industry’s best instruc- tion, the hottest new indus- try products at the Security Expo and can’t-miss events. Look for more information in Keynotes soon, or visit www. for additional details. to repair a tri-bolt safe door e of the bolts is missing (or d to replace a broken handle ing a mini lathe under the n of Andy Dennison, CPS, dents will make the needed selves. tion to these exciting new Don’t miss the special Sargent and Green- leaf open house, where you can tour their newly renovated facility. In Falle Lock Defeat, instructors John Falle, Martin Newton and Darren Fore- man will teach attendees about lock sys- tems such as Fichet Monople, Mauer and the Chatwood/Chubb Double bit 10 lever Bankers Key Lock picking decoding sys- tem. Come learn from the best, as John Falle is recognized as one of the best lock tool defeat designers and manufacturers in the world. Also save room on your slate for the new class Machine Shop for the Safe Tech, where you’ll get hands-on train- ing on using a mini lathe. Students will learn using a real-life scenario and be WWW.ALOA.ORG Events But what’s all “work” without a little fun? SAFETECH is known for having some of the industry’s best events. Start off with the Swap Meet on Wednesday, May 18. Enjoy this annual event where you can buy, sell and trade used or discontinued items (no new items, please). And if they don’t sell? Place them in the live auction for a full or 50% donation! You can’t lose. Continue on with the Kick-Off Party on Thursday, May 19, where you can mix and mingle with suppliers and colleagues in a festive atmosphere. Stay put for the 21st d more, SAFETECH will also y old favorites on hand such ed Safe Opening, X-10 Cer- n and GSA Drill and Repair. The complete class listing will soon be available both online and in the next issue of Keynotes. Annual Friends of SAVTA Live Auction immediately aſter the Kick-Off party. This perennial favorite allows attendees to get some great bargains and collectibles while benefitting Friends of SAVTA. If you want to donate items, please send them by April 20 to Friends of SAVTA Live Auction, 3500 Easy Street, Dallas, TX 75247. Items must be received by April 20. New for this year, one of the event highlights will be the special open house and tour at the Sargent & Greenleaf fa- cility. Don’t miss this event, where you’ll be able to see the manufacturer’s newly renovated facility and network. Dinner and transportation will be provided. Wrap your events up on Saturday, May 21 with the Membership Meeting at 8:30 a.m., where you can let your voice be heard and find out the latest in SAVTA happenings. Aſterward, head on over to the trade show to see the latest in safe and vault technology. But there’s so much more to SAFETECH than we can list here; look for the full event information included with the next issue of Keynotes. Make plans now to at- tend SAFETECH 2016 — and reach new heights in your own career and business ventures. FEBRUARY 2016 KEYNOTES 13