PRESIDENTIAL PERSPECTIVE December: A Time to Celebrate I’m an old-school type of guy, so I don’t and won’t use “Xmas” or any other mod- ern non-proper terms for this special event of the year. I hope you’ve had a very prosperous I year and are just trying to figure out ei- ther how to spend all the extra money you’ll get back from your taxes or how to adjust your figures to pay as little as possible. I used to think that the ALOA board was a little hard to work with and guide to a perfect future. But we’re a piece of cake compared to what we’re going through on trying to elect a new president for the United States. We have a very dysfunc- tional system, which makes it even hard- er. As I’m writing this before the election, it will be interesting to see the end result. ALOA has had a very good year, and I’m proud to welcome back all of the re- turning members and offer a special wel- come to all of the new members. We had a super special convention in Orlando, where we set a record in attendance and held a wonderful 60th anniversary event. want to take this time to wish everyone a very, very MERRY CHRISTMAS and Happy New Year! If you didn’t attend, you really missed a special time to catch up with old friends and meet some new ones. But you have another chance to do so in Rosemont, IL, at the 61st ALOA Convention and Secu- rity Expo July 16–22, 2017. If you’re thinking of getting back into or just sharpening up on your automo- tive computer skills, this year’s conven- tion is the place to be. We’ll have more “ALOA has had a very good year, and I’m proud to welcome back all of the returning members and offer a special welcome to all of the new members.” specialty. Hey, are you certified as an Automotive Expert? ALOA has certifi- cations for you to earn as an automotive professional to show you’re a leader in this field. Contact [email protected] to find out more. See you next year! Best regards, Tom Foxwell, RL, CAI, CFDI President ALOA Security Professionals Association, Inc. [email protected] HELP A VET. HELP ALOA. HELP YOURSELF. Hire a veteran taking classes through our GI Bill-funded retraining program and get some great incentives in return. For more information, please email [email protected]. WWW.ALOA.ORG DFECEMBER 2016 KEYNOTES 5