PRESIDENTIAL PERSPECTIVE December: A Time to Be Giving Security Training Center in the ALOA SPAI Headquarters building on the 12th of November. The food was great, and the camaraderie was even better. We saw many old friends and met a lot of new members and business associates. The board had its fall meeting aſter the I grand opening, and we had two full days of work going over new plans to increase membership, strengthen existing mem- bership and worked on the 2016 budget for ALOA SPAI and all of its divisions. I want to take a little time to be happy and joyful during this Christmas season so I want to say Merry Christmas to the world of ALOA members. Merry Kesh mish, Feliz Navidad, Glaedelig Jul, Shin nen Omedeto, Merii Kurisumasu, Sung Tan Chuk Ha, God Jul, Boas Festas Ano Novo, Joyeux Noel, Buone Feste Natalizie, En Frehlicher Grischtdaag, and to all of the countries I missed, I wish you a truly Merry Christmas or whichever special hol- want to thank all of the mem- bers and friends who came to the grand opening of the Aaron M. Fish iday that you honor this time of the y I’d like you to take notice that i country does anybody wish a love “Happy Xmas.” Sorry, but that’s t in my book. So, take a little tim of your very busy schedule this ho season and take special care of loved ones. Remember, if you don’t do so now, you may never have that chance again. So to all of the ALOA members and special friends, I take this moment to wish you a Merry Christmas. Good for- tune, special giſts to loved ones and good health to all in 2016. “We had two full days of work going over new plans to increase membership, Tom Foxwell, RL, CAI, CFDI President ALOA Security Professionals Association, Inc. [email protected] Help ALOA Fight the Scammers The ALOA Locksmith Task Force is now leading the battle against phony locksmiths. Join us in the fight by contributing to the fund to pursue legal action against the scammers. Every dollar counts. To make a contribution, send your check made out to “ALOA Legal Fund” to ALOA, 3500 Easy St., Dallas, TX 75247. strengthen exist- ing membership and worked on the 2016 bud- get for ALOA SPAI and all of its divisions.” WWW.ALOA.ORG 5