YOUR COMMITMENT TO ALOA BOARD SERVICE (Please read carefully and sign where indicated) The ALOA Board governs with emphasis on organizational vision rather than on interpersonal issues of the Board; encourages diversity in viewpoints; focuses on strategic leadership rather than administrative detail; observes clear distinction between Board and Executive Director roles, makes collective rather than individual decisions; exhibits future orientation rather than past; and governs proactively rather than reactively. (If you were not supplied a copy of the ALOA Board of Directors Governance Policy with this document, you may obtain one by contacting the ALOA headquarters office, or visit The responsibilities of an ALOA Board Member include contributing a moderate amount of personal time, and a significant degree of professional guidance and expertise to the organization. You will be expected to come to all Board Meetings and the Annual Membership Meeting. You will need to be prepared to sensibly discuss matters of great importance to your profession and participate in setting policy as part of a governing body. Your course of action during your tenure on the ALOA Board should be guided by fair minded, constructive goals pertaining to matter of consequence for ALOA and for the industry. Your contributions are ex- pected to benefit ALOA as a whole taking individual member rights and concerns into account, but free of the taint of partisan politics of personal gain. On a practical note, ALOA Board Members are expected to behave and dress professionally at all times, especially when actively representing the association. ALOA Board Members are required to participate in three Board meetings per year, of two or three days in length, one each fall, spring, and one during convention, in addition to the Annual membership meeting, which is also held during convention. Incoming Board Members are also required to attend Governance training classes and events during convention. Board Members may also be asked, on a voluntary basis, to represent ALOA at related local, state, or regional functions, including serving in the ALOA booth, and other- wise promoting ALOA. When travel is required for a Board Member, expenses covered by ALOA includes lodging, travel, and a reasonable per diem. The Board has stipulated that assigned travel will be reimbursed at the lesser of the 30-day advance tourist class airfare in effect at the time of travel, or the current per-mile rate for travel by personal automobile whichever is less. Spouse expenses, including extra room charges, etc. are the individual’s responsibility. I have read and agree to adhere to the ALOA Board of Directors Governance Policies. Furthermore, I understand the above responsibilities of an ALOA Board Member, and agree to commit my time and energies as needed. I certify all of the information contained on this form and supporting documentation to be true and complete. Candidate Name: _____________________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Member #: Phone: ________________________________ Signature: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Membership Status: Active ____________________Life _____________________Associate ________________________________ Employer Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Please attach a recent photograph of yourself along with a 150 word or less biography and retain a copy of this form for your own files. This form and all supporting documents must be received no later than March 1, 2016. Mail, or e-mail to: Clyde T. Roberson, CML, CMST Secretary, ALOA Board of Directors 3500 Easy St, Dallas, TX 75247 Email: [email protected] Phone: (540) 380-1654 WWW.ALOA.ORG DECEMBER 2015 KEYNOTES 27