Industry (provide a brief description in terms the reader can relate to and be able to find data about) Bubba’s operates within the vast security industry that has ex- perienced steady and significant accelerated growth, especially since the tragic 9/11 events. Business (tell me about your business) Bubba’s is a full-service provider of solutions that include a broad range of sales, installation and service of complete new security systems on the one end, and also sale, repair, replacement and service of existing security systems and devices such as locks, keys and safes on the other end of the spectrum. The company currently enjoys low overhead, operating as a mobile provider within the entire Tampa Bay area of Florida, including Hillsboro, Pinellas, Pasco, Hernando and Manatee counties. Longer term, Bubba’s expects to open at least one tra- ditional retail store and gradually expand its service territory throughout central Florida. Market Segments (tell me about the positioning of your com- pany, including niche targets) Although Bubba’s enjoys a diversified customer base, the com- pany’s focus is on commercial, industrial and government seg- ments. This includes such vertical markets as education (from elementary through university) and medical (hospitals, surgical centers and medical offices). Because of a recent trend toward intruder shootings, places of worship have become highly in- terested in hardened security. This represents an opportunity for Bubba’s. The company avoids the auto segment (lockouts) but does service the residential market, with a clear preference for larger niche jobs and architectural products rather than low- margin commodity locks and keys. Bubba’s does participate in the profitable transponder key niche, programming and selling new and replacement automotive keys to consumers and auto dealers. Minority-Owned Business (or other relevant unique status, if applicable) If Bubba’s is a minority owned business, it would be appropri- ate to mention this status and perhaps the company’s strategy to seek government bid work. Many government entities are required to set aside a portion (oſten 15%) of their bid work to qualified minority contractors. This has become a booming area of opportunity, especially for female-owned businesses. Marketing Communications (Marcom) Bubba’s primary messages are: A full-service locksmith and security firm offering a broad range of affordable security solutions and timely service. A professional, qualified and trusted solution provider for your business and/or home security needs. Bubba’s target audiences: Industrial - education and medical vertical markets Commercial - small and medium businesses Residential - upscale homes, niche architectural products and homes of our business clients Places of worship interested in hardening their physical se- curity systems Bubba’s passive marcom delivery methods: Word-of-mouth referrals (earned over time) from satisfied customers Tri-fold “take ones” and brochures distributed at various events such as home shows Company website - offers helpful security hints, organized by end user type Use of social media such as Facebook, etc. Bubba’s active marcom delivery methods: Trained company sales force participation at relevant in- dustry events such as trade shows and related follow-up on leads and prospects Programs that encourage satisfied customers to generate very positive online reviews Tender of competitive bids, especially industrial and gov- ernment jobs Targeted reach-out advertising campaigns and promotional programs Membership in various networking groups such as chambers of commerce, Masons, Raccoon Lodge (hey, it worked well for Ralph Kramden and Ed Norton) Security seminars for law enforcement Security audits and assessments - site surveys Any marketing plan or executive summary would be incom- plete without a financial profile that usually comprises several years (three to five) of income statements (actual and projected years). Of course, if your business is a startup, you won’t have any or much actual history and, therefore, your numbers will be projections. If you are not already familiar with the term, such startup financial projections are commonly known as pro forma WWW.ALOA.ORG APRIL 2020 KEYNOTES 19